If you can't afford your policy payments you may be eligible to suspend your membership under our financial hardship provisions. Please complete your details below to submit your application.
Upon receipt of your request, a HIF representative will review your application and you'll receive a response within 14 working days.
If you are receiving JobSeeker, Youth Allowance or Sickness Benefits from Centrelink and have a current Health Care Card, you can apply to suspend your policy for up to a maximum of 12 continuous months. A copy of your current Health Care Card must be provided with your application.
Financial Hardship
If you aren’t receiving the above benefits from Centrelink, you may still qualify for a temporary suspension of your policy for up to a maximum of 12 continuous months on Financial Hardship grounds.
Please note that the following rules apply to suspensions:
Suspension under these fund rules is only available to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents.
Your membership must be paid up to the date you are requesting the suspension to commence.
You must have held at least three months continuous membership with HIF prior to requesting the suspension to commence.
In order to submit this request, you must read and agree to the following Terms & Conditions for Financial Hardship as it can impact your tax, lifetime health cover loading and private health cover benefits.
View HIF's Terms & Conditions
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