What is Private Health Insurance?

Private health insurance helps cover the cost of your health care needs. It enables you to claim a benefit from HIF which goes towards the cost of your treatment.

There are two types of private health insurance you can purchase - Hospital Cover and Extras Cover

Emergency and non-emergency ambulance cover is available on eligible Hospital and Extras policies. 

What is Hospital Cover?

Our Hospital policies help to cover the costs of inpatient treatment such as hospital accommodation, theatre fees and charges raised by your doctor. All medical services listed under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) are covered by private hospital insurance, depending on your level of cover. Services such as elective cosmetic surgery though (which are not included on the MBS), are not covered through private hospital insurance under any policy.

There’s a number of reasons why private hospital insurance may be a better option than relying solely on the public system! Your policy allows you to choose your own hospital, doctor and specialist, the option to stay in a private room* (if it’s available and included on your cover) and the peace of mind knowing that you can avoid lengthy public hospital waiting lists.

To view our Hospital Cover Comparison table, please click here

What is Extras Cover?

Extras cover provides benefits for non-medical health services that aren't covered by Medicare - for example, physio, chirodental and optical treatment. 

To view our Extras Cover Comparison table, please click here

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*Effective 1 January 2025, for hospital admissions in New South Wales (NSW) public hospitals, private and shared room accommodation is available (private room subject to availability).