As founding partner, HIF is delighted to support St John Giving which adds to St John WA’s existing Ambulance and First Aid services. It's core focus is to support disadvantaged communities and people, by equipping them with the tools to build healthcare resilience.

By helping to fund important community initiatives, our aim is to work with St John WA to help close the gaps to greater access to healthcare.

With over 130 years experience, St John WA has equipped the community with the tools, time, and knowledge to overcome medical challenges that will help save and protect the lives of Western Australians. 

As a not for profit health fund, this partnership will help St John further increase its footprint whilst providing better access to high quality healthcare for HIF members and the wider community.

Our Sponsored Programs

As a WA-born insurer, we believe our duty is to support our members health,
and the well-being of our wider community!

  • Southwest Community Transport Service

    This initiative will ensure vulnerable Western Australians stay connected to healthcare services, visit hospitals or attend necessary medical appointments as required.

  • First Responder App
    and Programs

    We will support the development of the First Responder App which connects over 250,000 people who are trained to respond in an emergency.

  • Community First Aid Focus
    and Programs

    We will help to build the next generation of First Responders by supporting St John's First Aid Focus and Community First Aid programs. 

Exclusive HIF Member Discount!

To celebrate our partnership, HIF members will receive 10% off the St John WA store which includes access to discounted first aid kits, supplies, defibrillators and more. Simply enter HIF10 promo code to receive your discount.

Visit Store

Want to Give More? Donate to St John Giving.

St John Giving is currently on a mission to train every child in WA with life-saving first aid skills, every year, by 2025. Through our partnership, we’re helping support this mission, but St John Giving can still use your help.

Donate today to help equip WA kids and the community with vital first aid training. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. 

Donate Today


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