HIF Receives Written Endorsement from the Australian Dental Association (WA)

HIF News

HIF Australia

HIF strongly believes in preserving members’ right of choice. That’s why we don’t have contracted provider agreements like many of the big funds.

If you were a a member of one of these funds and your family dentist didn’t want to be locked into a contract with them, the fund would penalise you when they rebate your family dentist’s fees. That’s not fair!  At HIF, we pay the same great rebate no matter who our members choose to see.

Ask the Australian Dental Association (WA) why HIF is the only health fund to be publicly applauded for its stand on contracted dentists:

“The Australian Dental Association (WA) applauds HIF for its commitment to the dental health interests of their members. HIF continues to focus on encouraging g their members to be proactive in the regular car re and maintenance of their teeth and the AD DAWA is pleased to support HIF with this initiative.

"It is pleasing to acknowledge HIF’s superior dental rebate arrangements, including their SmartTeeth program which pays rebates of up to 100% of a dentist’s fee for some treatments, no matter which level of ancillary cover their members may hold.

"HIF’s dental rebate arrangements enhance affordability and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for our patients. More importantly, HIF is the only Western Australian health fund to actively encourage 100% freedom of choice of family dentist, because HIF knows the importance of the dentist-patient relationship p in achieving the best quality dental outcome e for our patients.

"HIF actively consults with the Australian Dental Association (WA) and we are pleased to see them adopting many of the Association’s recommendations. HIF members should be delighted with their health fund and their dental rebate arrangements.” 

Dr Tony Poli.
President, Australian Dental Association (WA).

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