What if … you could achieve new lifestyle habits to optimise your journey to better health?

Now you can …. with Healthy Weight For Life.

If you're looking to improve your overall health and wellbeing, taking control of your weight can be an important first step.

That’s where our partner, Prima Health Solutions can help. Their Healthy Weight For Life programs offer comprehensive weight management programs fully funded by HIF for eligible members with heart health risk factors, knee or hip osteoarthritis or type 2 diabetes.

If you are interested in signing up for a Healthy Weight For Life program, please fill out the assessment form.

Assessment Form



How do the Healthy Weight For Life programs work?

From the comfort of your own home, you’ll be guided through the 18-week program and get access to:

  • Online self-monitoring to see how you're doing

  • Advice via phone, email and through the online portal

  • A portion controlled eating plan & meal replacement options

  • Exercise plan to improve your fitness, assist with weight loss and get you moving more

  • Muscle strengthening exercises to help stabilise joints, improve mobility and reduce pain 

  • Community support through email, message board, post and SMS

  • Education to help understand your condition and improve your quality of life


Heart health management

Do you have problems with your heart? The Healthy Weight For Life Heart Health program is designed for people who have a cardiovascular condition or a history of at least one of the following:

  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • angioplasty or stent
  • heart attack or stroke
  • coronary bypass surgery
  • cardiac arrhythmia/angina
  • obstructive sleep apnoea

The Healthy Weight For Life Heart Health program supports HIF members who want to keep their heart healthy and improve their overall health and wellbeing.


Joint management

Do you want to manage your osteoarthritis or improve joint pain? The Healthy Weight For Life Osteoarthritis Management program is designed for people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints.

The program supports HIF members who want to manage their osteoarthritis, keep their joints healthy and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Man sitting on couch bending knee


Diabetes management

Did you know unmanaged type 2 diabetes can lead to serious medical complications? The Healthy Weight For Life Type 2 Diabetes program is designed to improve overall health and quality of life.

The program supports HIF members who want to manage their type 2 diabetes by helping them reach target blood glucose levels, improve physical fitness, and assist with weight loss.  

Man pricking finger with needle


How can I participate in one of the Healthy Weight For Life programs?

  • Review the eligibility criteria in the frequently asked questions below
  • Complete the Healthy Weight For Life assessment form to find out which program is suitable to your needs
  • Once you determine which program is suitable for you, you can enrol in a program through the Prima Health Solutions website, which will collect some personal information (including health and other sensitive information about you).
Two people smiling and showing their biceps at an outdoor exercise class


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I know if I’m eligible for a Healthy Weight For Life program?

If you’re carrying extra weight and are at risk of developing a chronic condition, have osteoarthritis or type 2 diabetes – you may be eligible to access one of the Healthy Weight For Life programs.

To be eligible, you must:

  • have a Body Mass Index of 28 and over
  • be aged 18 and over
  • have not previously participated in a Healthy Weight For Life program funded by HIF
  • be willing to provide your progress data to the Healthy Weight For Life team throughout the program (including weight, waist circumference, joint symptom scores).

You may also require GP or medical practitioner approval depending on your circumstances.

How do I know if I’m eligible for the Heart Health program?

To take part in a Healthy Weight For Life Heart Health program covered by HIF you must:

  • Have held Hospital cover (above the basic level of cover) for 12 months
  • Have been treated for or have a history of at least one of the following: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, angioplasty or stent, heart attack or stroke, coronary bypass surgery, cardiac arrhythmia/ angina, or obstructive sleep apnoea.

How do I know if I’m eligible for the Osteoarthritis Management program?

To be eligible for the Healthy Weight For Life Osteoarthritis Management program covered by HIF you must:

  • Have held Hospital cover (above the basic level of cover) for 12 months
  • Have diagnosed knee or hip osteoarthritis and considering joint replacement surgery.

How do I know if I’m eligible for the Type 2 Diabetes program?

To be eligible for the Healthy Weight For Life Type 2 Diabetes program covered by HIF you must:

  • Have held Hospital cover (above the basic level of cover) for 12 months and have type 2 diabetes.

Who facilitates the Health Weight For Life programs?

The Healthy Weight For Life programs are run by Prima Health Solutions (Prima).

Prima is an Australian allied healthcare and technology company, specialising in remote delivery of multi-disciplinary weight and lifestyle related health management products and programs, including the Healthy Weight For Life programs.

Will this affect my health fund premium?

If you’re eligible, taking part in a Healthy Weight For Life program is your choice. It won’t affect your premium or health cover in any way.

How much weight will I lose?

The amount of weight lost depends on a number of factors including starting weight, activity levels, compliance with the program etc.

As a guide from the more than 14,000 people who have participated in Healthy Weight For Life programs, it is expected that if the program is followed consistently, you should see at least a 5% reduction in your starting weight by the end of week six and be approaching an 8% reduction by the end of the program.

However, success relies on consistency and perseverance and the exact amount of weight lost varies between participants.

What other benefits can I expect from signing up to a Healthy Weight For Life program?

There are numerous ways of assessing the benefit of your Healthy Weight For Life program - you may be surprised to know that measuring your body weight is only one of them.

Some of the other ways you can assess the benefit of your healthy lifestyle program include:

  • Decrease in waist circumference
  • Less joint or muscle pain
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Improved blood glucose levels
  • Improved cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Increased energy
  • Improvements in personal body image and sense of wellbeing
  • Decreased snoring.

Is my privacy and health data protected?

The personal information that you provide to Prima is used and disclosed only for the purpose of confirming your eligibility and delivering and evaluating the program.

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